
If by making one choice, you could change the entire course of history...

If you could change one event in the past to change this future...

If you could ensure that one mistake was never ever made again...

Would you?

All men were created...stupid?

I am firm believer in the idea that all men were created equal. However, some of them were created stupid
and others were created smart. I am also a firm believer in the idea that no one should be able to tell
me what to do and expect me to obey unless he is physically able to force me to obey. And I believe that
I should be able to use any means that I can get my hands on to stop him. This is the ultimate science.
This is the ultimate political scheme. Every day is a fight for survival. The weak cannot keep up and fall
behind us, no longer tying us down. The strong survive and thrive bringing us ever closer to perfection. I
am not talking about euthanasia, I am talking about the most primitive form of survival of the fittest.
Euthanasia is tantamount to murder, while allowing the weak to die off is simply another survival skill.
Imagine, if you will, a life where no one can tell you what to do. You do what you want to. You do what
you need to. And at the end of the day you feel deep satisfaction because you did not waste any time on
frivolous commands from people who are leaning on the authority of a job title or of their age. People who
don't understand that you have your own agenda, your own to-do list. People who have become lazy sitting at
their massive desks ordering a plethora of workers around while they grow fat on their numerous coffee breaks.
In this new world, you obey only who you choose to obey. If someone gives you a command and cannot back it up
with physical force and you feel no desire or obligation to do the task, why should you? Your whole life is already
centered around you--you work for money to buy a new car or house for yourself, or to feed yourself. Why should anyone
else be able to intrude and force you to work for them? That is the ultimate injustice. Not only are they wasting your
time, they are stealing it. You do not profit from the time you spend running their errands, but they do. You are
effectively securing your boss' future everytime you run down to give a paper to Sally or George instead of insisting
that your boss go himself. Free your selves of this tyranny! Why should you fight to secure the future of someone who
doesn't care if you are dead or alive tomorrow as long as the work gets done today? Secure your own future. Fight for
your right to support yourself. Fight for your right to personal freedom. The freedom to survive.